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Being Mortal

Presented by Dr. Frank Mueller, a former palliative care specialist and Hospice Physician.

Please download notes and resources for the discussion group 


Additional Resources for End of Life Planning

A Dementia addendum for your Advance Directive 


California End of Life Option Act or Medical Aid in Dying

Outline of the regulations


Arguments for and against


Physician-assisted suicide won’t atone for medicine’s ‘original sin’

Voluntary Stopping of Eating and Drinking (VSED) 


Other Resources

  1. endwellproject.org
  2. TheConversationProject.org 
  3. Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, Atul Gwande, MD

Atul Gwande Interview about Being Mortal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjJXX2O3B3w

Palliative Care

According to the Academy of Advanced Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM), palliative care is a specialized medical practice that aims to relieve the symptoms and stress of serious or chronic illnesses. The goal of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for the patient and their family. 

Palliative care can be suitable for patients of any age or disease stage. It can help patients feel more comfortable, but it does not cure the disease.

BJ Miller, MD on Palliative Care and Death: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apbSsILLh28&t=111s

How To Set up a Legacy Contact with Google and Apple


To allow access to your Google Password Manager for survivors after your death, you need to set up Google’s “Inactive Account Manager” feature, which lets you designate trusted individuals to access your Google account data, including passwords stored in your Password Manager, if you become inactive for a certain period of time; you can choose what information they can access and when they can access it. [123]

How to set up Inactive Account Manager: [145]

  • Go to your Google Account settings: Log into your Google account and navigate to “My Account”. [145]
  • Access Inactive Account Manager: Scroll down to “Make a plan for your digital legacy” and select “Manage Inactive Account Manager”. [123]
  • Choose your trusted contacts: Select the people you want to have access to your account and specify what information they can access. [234]
  • Set inactivity period: Determine how long your account needs to be inactive before your chosen contacts can access it. [126]

Important points to consider: [78]

  • Legal requirements: Even with Inactive Account Manager set up, you may still need to provide legal documentation like a death certificate to verify your passing before anyone can access your account. [78]
  • Sharing specific passwords: While Inactive Account Manager gives access to your entire Google account, you can also consider sharing individual passwords with specific people directly through the Google Password Manager if you need to grant access to certain accounts only. [123]
  • Review and update regularly: Be sure to regularly review your Inactive Account Manager settings and update your chosen contacts as needed. [123]



To allow access to your Apple password manager after you die, you need to designate a “Legacy Contact” within your Apple ID settings, who will be able to access your data after your passing by providing a unique access key and a death certificate when making the request to Apple; this feature is available on iOS 15.2 and later versions. [123]


Key points about setting up a Legacy Contact: [134]

  • Access your Apple ID settings: Go to your device settings and access your Apple ID profile. [134]
  • Select “Legacy Contact”: Within your Apple ID settings, locate the option to add a Legacy Contact. [123]
  • Choose a trusted person: Select someone you trust to receive access to your data after your death. [123]
  • Generate an access key: A unique access key will be generated which your Legacy Contact will need to access your data. [123]
  • Important details to remember: [125]
    • Your Legacy Contact will need to provide your death certificate along with the access key to make a request. [125]
    • This feature allows access to your Apple data, including passwords stored in your iCloud Keychain. [124]